Optional (Wahlleistungen) are ungraded courses taken within the department. These can be Workshops (no more than two of the same type), Seminars, Lectures, Independent Studies or Tutorials.
Independent Studies (1-5 ECTS Study Plan 2017 / 2-5 ECTS previous study plan)
You can gain optional credits (Wahlleistungen) by doing independent work, such as attending an academic conference, organising a course or event (e.g. readings, reading-groups, etc), conducting linguistic fieldwork or archive research, participating in the Drama Group, etc. Independent Studies (IS) have to be approved by a member of the teaching staff who will supervise the project as well as by the Independent Studies Coordinator. Department staff may advertise IS options. Please read the detailed information on Independent Studies and fill in the Independent Studies Form. Independent Studies are ungraded.
Workshops (1-3 ECTS)
Workshops are application and practice-oriented classes, such as Use of English, Advanced Academic Writing, and Creative Writing. They are evaluated on a pass/fail basis without a grade and can be taken optionally in order to acquire the necessary total number of optional credits (Wahlleistungen).
Tutorials (1 ECTS)
Tutorials are offered regularly for lectures and seminars. In tutorials, students can revise and expand on the content of the lecture, discuss open questions or explore a topic in more depth.
Students can attend as many tutorials as they like, but they can only take two tutorials for credit. Regular attendance of and participation in a tutorial can earn you 1 ECTS towards the total number of your optional credits (Wahlleistungen).
Please note that for MA studenty only tutorials for the Foundation Lecture (Language and Society and After the Linguistic Turn: Literary Theory in the 20th Century) can be credited not other tutorials.