Malaika Sutter, MA

Postdoc Researcher

North American Literature and Culture

Postal Address
Department of English
Länggassstr. 49
CH – 3012 Bern

Malaika studied Languages and Literatures in English and History at the University of Bern and earned a second Master of Arts in English from the University of Rochester, NY, as a Fulbright grantee in 2019/20. In 2021, Malaika received a four-year grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation for her interdisciplinary doctoral thesis titled “Crafting Communities and Stitching Stories: Intersectional Text(ile)-Image Constellations in Late 20th- and Early 21st-Century North American Fiction and Art” supervised by Prof. Dr. Gabriele Rippl (University of Bern) and Prof. em. Dr. Janet Catherine Berlo (University of Rochester, NY).

North American literature and cultural history (19th to 21st centuries), feminist and queer literary theories, intermediality, memory studies, nostalgia, historiography, citizenship, and incarceration in North American literature and culture. 

Spring 2025:     Analysing Literature (Core Curriculum)

Fall 2024:          The North American Short Story

Spring 2024:     Analysing Literature (Core Curriculum)

Fall 2023:          Black Feminism in Literature, Theory, and Visual Culture

Fall 2022:          Lit 211: Short Story, REJI, U of Rochester

Fall 2021:          The Quilt in North American Literature and Culture

Sutter, Malaika. “To Couple the Beauty of the Place and the Harsh Realities of Its Racist History”: Piecing Together African American Citizenship in Faith Ringgold’s Flag Story Quilt and Coming to Jones Road. Cultures of Citizenship in the Twenty-First Century: Literary and Cultural Perspectives on a Legal Concept. Eds. Mita Banerjee and Vanessa Evans. Bielefeld: transcript, 2023. 251–267. Link to Open Access:

Sutter, Malaika. “Hate Speech in Threads: Stitching and Posting a Resistance in the Tiny Pricks Project.” Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture: 45.1-2 (2023): 170-198. Link:

Sutter, Malaika. Review of James Voorhies, Beyond Objecthood: The Exhibition as Critical Form Since 1968, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2017. In: InVisible Culture: An Electronic Journal for Visual Culture (2020). Link to Open Access.